Thanks For The Divorce? How Gratitude Can Help You Heal.

How the attitude of gratitude can help you heal through divorce. If you are in the process of divorcing, the grief can be overwhelming. The reality of the loss is realized with every new challenge during the divorce. So what is the best way to deal with the seemingly never ending assaults? The answer may be surprising to you. It is the attitude of gratitude. Gratitude can be like a salve applied gingerly to an open wound. It is meant to heal and protect you from the ravages of being hurt by your former spouse. A protective covering that can sooth your emotions and even give you a sense of peace. You might respond by saying, I feel so devastated, I can't imagine feeling peace ever again. Other people may respond with an attitude of good riddance, I'm so glad to be done with this marriage, Both responses may be harboring resentment and anger. Read More by clicking here....