Woodland Pathways Counseling

EMDR Trauma Treatment

for Individuals, and Group Counseling


Washington State LH00004733

Georgia State LPC012535

EMDR Trauma Treatment Offers Help For The Hurting!

Freedom from painful current or past emotional hurts. 

Relational concerns such as power imbalance and learning to negotiate your needs and wants can be resolved with help.

With EMDR trauma treatment, your memory becomes clearer and your life story becomes more understandable. You will know yourself better than ever before. You will learn compassion for yourself and others from the inside out.

No matter what kind of trauma you have experienced, EMDR trauma treatment can change your brain.

No more having to pretend to believe positive affirmations. You can experience the affirmations in your body. Your brokenness can be healed with the right treatment.

Join others who have successfully sustained healing with  EMDR Trauma Treatment. Hope and Healing CAN happen for you, too.

"The best way out is through"
- Robert Frost

Whether you have been hurt by your partner’s betrayal or by your sexual acting out, Woodland Pathways Counseling uses safe, research-proven methods to encourage growth and healing. Teresa has been trained in Attachment-Focused EMDR through the Parnell Institute. She can work with many different traumas, including Complex PTSD, childhood abuse, and neglect, to resolve and attain relief of symptoms.

As her client, you’ll discover that Teresa Zuvela’s approach is a safe place to relax, find refuge from the pain, and heal from trauma.

Teresa’s skills in cognitive behavioral therapy (talk therapy), art therapy, dance therapy, parts work, and EMDR can help you process your old traumas and develop the skills you need to move forward with your life without the pain of the past.

Listen to this Blog Talk Radio Show. Teresa was interviewed by Carol, the Coach, who is also a sex addiction therapist.

Listen to internet radio with Sex Help with Carol the Coach on Blog Talk Radio


Discover a Path to Healing from Betrayal Trauma            

Your journey to recovery and self-discovery starts here.  

Navigating life after experiencing betrayal can be overwhelming. We’re here to guide you through the challenging emotions and symptoms of betrayal trauma, offering compassionate support and practical resources.                

Navigating life after experiencing betrayal can be overwhelming. We’re here to guide you through the challenging emotions and symptoms of betrayal trauma, offering compassionate support and practical resources.

What is Betrayal Trauma?

  • Description: Betrayal trauma occurs when someone you trust deeply betrays you, leading to emotional turmoil. This section provides an overview of:

    • The psychological impact

    • Common symptoms

    • Why understanding these symptoms can be the first step toward healing

  •  Recognize the Signs

    • Emotional upheaval and mood swings

    • Anxiety and paranoia

    • Difficulty in trusting others

    • Feelings of betrayal and self-doubt

    • Sleep disturbances and nightmares

  • You Are Not Alone

    If you feel on an emotional roller coaster and ready to stop and take a calmer ride, this is the place for you. Being betrayed and realizing your partner is a sex addict is a trauma. Discovering your reality was not what you thought it was is an intimate betrayal. Your partner, whom you thought was beautiful, has hurt you in the worst possible way. Your body is reacting to the sting, and you may be experiencing all kinds of symptoms, like snooping on him, crying uncontrollably, arguing with him anytime you see him, feeling like you want to run away or crawl up like a ball and sleep forever, to name a few. 

  • Resources and Support

    Explore our hand-picked resources to help you on your healing journey:

  • Join Our Community: coming soon

  • Call to Action: Sign up for our newsletter, connect with support groups, or attend our next live webinar. Together, we can help each other heal.

  •  Reach Out




  • Description: Have questions or need personalized support? Contact us today. Our team is here to help you navigate your journey toward healing.

Woodland Pathways Counseling

EMDR Therapy and Its Impact on Trauma Healing

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic approach primarily used to treat trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This method has gained recognition for its effectiveness in helping individuals process and heal from traumatic experiences. Here are some key benefits of EMDR therapy:

  1. Rapid Processing of Traumatic Memories: EMDR facilitates the rapid reprocessing of traumatic memories. Through guided eye movements, individuals can access and reprocess these painful memories, leading to a reduction in emotional distress associated with the trauma.

  2. Reduction in Emotional Distress: By targeting specific traumatic memories, EMDR helps individuals reduce the emotional intensity connected to those memories. This can lead to decreased symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

  3. Improvement in Emotional Regulation: EMDR supports individuals in improving their emotional regulation skills. As they reprocess memories, they often develop healthier emotional responses and coping mechanisms.

  4. Increased Self-Awareness and Insight: During EMDR sessions, individuals frequently gain new insights into their experiences and behaviors. This increased self-awareness can aid in personal growth and mental well-being.

  5. Enhanced Capacity for Positive Beliefs: EMDR therapy can help replace negative beliefs about oneself with positive ones. This cognitive shift can contribute significantly to a person’s self-esteem and overall outlook on life.

  6. Holistic Healing Approach: Unlike some traditional talk therapies, EMDR incorporates both psychological and physical elements of therapy. The bilateral stimulation used in EMDR is thought to catalyze changes in the brain, promoting recovery.

EMDR is widely regarded as a powerful tool in trauma therapy, and many individuals report significant improvements in their symptoms and quality of life after participating in EMDR treatment.

Have you ever considered EMDR therapy for trauma, or are you looking into it for someone else? I'd love to hear more about your interest!

Attachment-focused EMDR

is a tailored approach within the EMDR therapy framework that explicitly addresses relational and attachment issues, which are often integral in cases of complex PTSD. Here's how it can be particularly beneficial:

  1. Healing Early Attachment Wounds: Attachment-focused EMDR aims to heal wounds from early attachment disruptions. By addressing these foundational issues, individuals can often experience relief from longstanding emotional pain and relational difficulties linked to complex PTSD.

  2. Strengthening Emotional Connections: This approach helps individuals build and strengthen emotional connections with significant others. It addresses the attachment-related aspects of trauma that often manifest in difficulties trusting or connecting with others.

  3. Restructuring Negative Self-Beliefs: Many people with complex PTSD have deep-seated negative beliefs about themselves, often stemming from early relational trauma. Attachment-focused EMDR works to reprocess these beliefs, fostering a more positive and accurate self-perception.

  4. Enhancing Emotional Regulation: By emphasizing attachment and relational dynamics, this form of EMDR enhances an individual's ability to regulate emotions, leading to more stable and grounded emotional responses in stressful situations.

  5. Fostering Resilience and Personal Growth: Through processing traumatic attachment experiences, individuals can develop greater resilience and experience personal growth. They often find themselves better able to engage in healthier relationships and enjoy life more fully.

By integrating attachment theory into the EMDR process, this specialized approach can provide deep healing for those experiencing complex PTSD, particularly when relational trauma is a key component.

Is there a particular aspect of attachment-focused EMDR that you find intriguing or would like to learn more about?

The Harms Caused by Patriarchy for Women and Men

Patriarchy, a social system where men hold primary power, is deeply entrenched in many societies around the world. While it may manifest differently across cultures and communities, its impact is universal, affecting both women and men in various detrimental ways.

Impacts on Women

  1. Gender Inequality

    • Women often face discrimination in the workplace, receiving lower wages, fewer promotions, and limited access to leadership roles compared to their male counterparts.
    • Limited representation in political and decision-making processes restricts women's influence on policies affecting their lives.
  2. Violence and Safety

    • Patriarchy contributes to gender-based violence, including domestic abuse, sexual harassment, and assault.
    • The normalization of violence against women undermines their safety and well-being.
  3. Limitation of Personal Freedoms

    • Societal expectations and stereotypes often dictate women's roles, limiting their personal and professional aspirations.
    • Women may encounter pressure to conform to traditional roles, such as prioritizing family over career.
  4. Mental Health Challenges

    • The stress of navigating a patriarchal society can lead to mental health issues, including anxiety and depression.
    • Women may struggle with self-esteem and confidence due to societal expectations and gender norms.

Impacts on Men

  1. Toxic Masculinity

    • Men may feel pressured to adhere to rigid norms of masculinity, which discourage emotional expression and vulnerability.
    • Toxic masculinity can lead to unhealthy behaviors and relationships, affecting men's overall well-being.
  2. Pressure to Be Primary Providers

    • In patriarchal societies, men are often expected to be the primary breadwinners, leading to stress and anxiety.
    • Economic downturns or job loss can disproportionately impact men's self-worth and identity.
  3. Limited Emotional Support

    • The stigma around seeking help for emotional or mental health issues may prevent men from accessing necessary support.
    • Men's reluctance to discuss their feelings can lead to isolation and mental health struggles.
  4. Narrow Definitions of Success

    • Societal pressures may push men towards certain career paths or life choices, limiting their freedom to pursue genuine interests and passions.
    • This can result in dissatisfaction and a lack of fulfillment in personal and professional life.


  • Addressing patriarchy is crucial for creating a more equitable and harmonious society. By challenging these norms and fostering gender equality, we can improve the lives of both women and men. Promoting open dialogues, supporting policies that advance gender equity, and encouraging individuals to embrace diverse expressions of identity are essential steps towards dismantling patriarchal structures.

About Teresa Zuvela, MS, LMHC

Teresa is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor specializing in working with women who have experienced betrayal in intimate relationships. She utilizes individual and group sessions to help women heal from relational hurts. Teresa is currently doing telehealth counseling maintaining a safe frame for trauma work.