EMDR Trauma Treatment

for Individuals, and Group Counseling


Washington State LH00004733

Georgia State LPC012535

EMDR Trauma Treatment Offers Help For The Hurting!

Freedom from painful current or past emotional hurts. 

Relational concerns such as power imbalance and learning to negotiate your needs and wants can be resolved with help.

With EMDR trauma treatment, your memory becomes clearer and your life story becomes more understandable. You will know yourself better than ever before. You will learn compassion for yourself and others from the inside out.

No matter what kind of trauma you have experienced, EMDR trauma treatment can change your brain.

No more having to pretend to believe positive affirmations. You can experience the affirmations in your body. Your brokenness can be healed with the right treatment.

Join others who have successfully sustained healing with  EMDR Trauma Treatment. Hope and Healing CAN happen for you, too.

"The best way out is through"
- Robert Frost

Whether you have been hurt by your partner’s betrayal or by your sexual acting out, Woodland Pathways Counseling uses safe, research-proven methods to encourage growth and healing. Teresa has been trained in Attachment-Focused EMDR through the Parnell Institute. She can work with many different traumas, including Complex PTSD, childhood abuse, and neglect, to resolve and attain relief of symptoms.

As her client, you’ll discover that Teresa Zuvela’s approach is a safe place to relax, find refuge from the pain, and heal from trauma.

Teresa’s skills in cognitive behavioral therapy (talk therapy), art therapy, dance therapy, parts work, and EMDR can help you process your old traumas and develop the skills you need to move forward with your life without the pain of the past.

Listen to this Blog Talk Radio Show. Teresa was interviewed by Carol, the Coach, who is also a sex addiction therapist.

Listen to internet radio with Sex Help with Carol the Coach on Blog Talk Radio

About Teresa Zuvela, MS, LMHC

Teresa is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor specializing in working with women who have experienced betrayal in intimate relationships. She utilizes individual and group sessions to help women heal from relational hurts. Teresa is currently doing telehealth counseling maintaining a safe frame for trauma work.