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Healing Betrayal Trauma

A Women’s Group for Partners of Sex Addicts

This group addresses healing betrayal trauma and the shock of discovering your intimate partner has betrayed your trust and strayed or cheated through some sort of sexual acting out. It may have been through affairs, pornography, or chatting with an old girlfriend from high school on Facebook for multiple hours. Or he may have been hooking up with anonymous people via chatting or in person.

The hurt is deep, painful, and gut-wrenching, and no one seems to understand. This group is where you and other women like you can come together and tell their stories and heal. We address your grief and hurt safely so you can heal. We also discuss sex addiction and help you understand what that is and isn’t. We will deconstruct the blaming that has occurred in your intimate relationship. You are not the reason he has acted out. We will address all the emotions you are going through—how you feel about it and emotions' role in healing. We will also discuss forgiveness, its role in healing, and timelines for the healing process to complete.

If you are ready to heal betrayal trauma and are motivated regardless of what the betraying partner is doing, then this group is for you.

Led by Teresa Zuvela MS Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist (CSAT) Certified Partner Trauma Therapist (CPPT).

This group requires an initial consultation with the therapist and doesn't necessarily provide admission to the group. You may be offered individual therapy to prepare for group admission or referred to other resources. 

If you would like to apply for admission to the group. Please fill out the form on the right to schedule a free 10-minute phone consultation to learn more.