Physical Health Links

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Your physical health and mental health are closely related. In fact, it's virtually impossible to have one without the other. At Woodland Pathways Counseling, we believe in holistic health and the necessity to take care of all of you. While we work together to help you improve your mental health, we want you to have easy access to the basic (and reliable) information you need to support your physical health. So, we've gathered the following collection of resources grouped into the categories of Medications and Health Supplements, Women's Health Resources, Fitness, General Health, and Help For Specific Conditions. We believe these general resources will provide you with the general support you need for your overall well-being and physical health. Please note that these resources are intended to complement, not replace, professional medical advice from your healthcare provider(s).

Medications and Health Supplements

Women's Health Resources


General Health

Help For Specific Conditions