Manipulation And The Sex Addict: How To Find Value In Yourself

When it comes to sex and intimacy, trust your inner voice to create boundaries If you are a partner of a sex addict, you probably don't even know it yet. A typical sex addict relationship begins with both people blinded to the subtle red flags of the sex addicts underlying beliefs. One of his beliefs is that sex is love. He wants it to feel loved and oftentimes there is no other way for him to feel loved. But this is simply a MYTH he believes. He has just not experienced how to feel those feelings in any other way. There are other options but he is just not aware of them. In the early stages of the relationship, both of you enjoy being together and might even spend all of your time together. You probably have physical intimacy within the first month of meeting. After several months of frolicking, the hormones settle down and you don't feel the need to spend all your time together any more. This is normal in relationships; there is nothing wrong with you. This is when the red flags start to kick in.Read More...