Live Radio Show March 3
Posted: March 1, 2014
Teresa Maples, MS, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist, and YourTango Expert, will be interviewed by Carol the Coach on Blog Talk Radio. She will be discussing an exciting new transformational educational healing process she has developed for partners who have experienced sexual betrayal.
You can join the radio show live on Monday March 3, 2014 at 6pm PST, 9pm EST
If you have been experiencing an emotional roller-coaster ride after finding out about your partner's infidelity or sexual addiction? Then this radio show is for you. Partners of sex addicts and sexual betrayal experience many of the same symptoms as those who have experience being in battle in a war, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is important to recognize that these symptoms would be expected given you have lived through a traumatic experience, the betrayal. You are not crazy.
In this interview, Teresa will talk about the symptoms many partners experience and that there is hope that you can heal from these symptoms. She will also share information about her free webinar that is coming up on March 10, 2014 where you can actually experience one of the tools she teaches to help you heal from your symptoms. Reserve your seat
If you want more information, reserve your seat at Teresa's next free webinar Surviving to Thriving, help for women who have discovered her partner has cheated.