For Parents of a Sex Addict

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Kids, Teens and Sex Addiction Treatment

When parents discover their young child, adolescent, or adult child is acting out sexually, it’s traumatic. How could the child they love so much be doing this? How can they help their child? And who can help them, the parents, deal with it all?

Luckily, there is support for families of sex addicts.

Addiction in any form is a family disease. That means your entire family and family system is impacted. And that you, the parents, need support too.

If your child is acting out sexually, we can help you and your family set appropriate boundaries for your child who is receiving sex addiction treatment. Setting boundaries will help you maintain a safe environment in your home because it is less likely your child can access sexually explicit material in the home.

The first step is to educate yourself as a parent about Sex Addiction. Doing so will help you to set appropriate boundaries for your family and your child.

But don’t worry, you don’t have to do this all on your own. Woodland Pathways Counseling can provide education about sex addiction and sex addiction treatment, appropriate boundary setting, and emotional support to help you and your child make healthy choices when in the community as internet access is everywhere.

Teresa Zuvela of Woodland Pathways Counseling can answer all of your questions about sex addiction and sex addiction treatment. She can help you with appropriate boundary setting and give you the emotional support you need and deserve so you and your child can make healthy choices when in the community as internet access is everywhere.

Information Adapted from Patrick Carnes on