Abusive Relationships: Taking Back Your Sexuality After Trauma

They seem terrifying, but your feelings are the key to healing. It takes time, so don't be hard on yourself. If you suffered from childhood sexual abuse you probably land in one of two camps; those who have nightmares and avoid sexual experiences out of fear, and those that repeat the pattern of sexual trauma, justifying it in the name of freedom. Both behaviors are problematic and can deprive you of a fulfilling life. Even though you were abused as a child, it doesn't mean you need to live a life of self-abuse now. Like all things in life, too much or too little of a good thing can be harmful to you. So it is with your sexuality, too much sex and you could be repeating a pattern of the trauma, unconsciously harming yourself. Too little sex, and you could be harming yourself by depriving yourself of a life giving experience. The key to healthy sexuality is to find where a healthy middle zone is located for you.  read more...