5 Reasons Disney Starlets Are Terrible Role Models For Your Kids

  Hollywood starlets don't pay for their mistakes...but your daughter likely will. I don't know about you but observing young Nickelodeon and Disney starlets growing up has been difficult to watch, especially while raising daughters. In their younger years, the Disney starlets are portrayed as innocent little girls who could be seen as role models for their peer audience. As long as the only thing we know about these actresses is their acting role, everything is fine. Our daughters see them as someone to emulate, a role model. When the Disney starlet's popularity rises, the media begins to draw attention to their private life. This is when the danger begins. More media attention is given to the actresses whose private lives don't match up to their squeaky clean images on screen. This is probably not the type of young woman you want your impressionable daughters to look up to. Read on to see why these starlets aren't good role models for your children and what to look for when searching for the person who will be.  click here to read more...